Podcasting (aka making digital audio files kind of like a downloadable radio show) is big business these days. With the number of iPods and other MP3 players, podcasting is fast becoming a popular way to gain some online fame. But what about search engines? If podcasting is an audio file, how are the engines going to find them and send traffic to my website?
Have no fear, the Transcribr from Enablr is here! Transcribr is an online podcast transcription service designed to turn your hard earned audio content into the precious searchable text that search engines use to categorize and funnel traffic to your site. For the fee of $1/minute of podcast, Transcribr will convert your podcast into text and send you an html file and corresponding CSS stylesheet for integration with your website. If you have a heavy audio content website, you can easily convert all your hard earned content and publish it in a complimentary format.
If this kind of thing is up you alley, consider using Transcribr Pro which will monitor your podcast RSS feed for updates and automatically reproduce your content.